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A Deep Dive into Life Currently
August 1st, 2024 Bhakunde Beshi, Nepa In the Peace Corps, how do you measure success?  It’s a good question.  There are a hundreds of Peace Corps staff paid a full U.S....
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The Roads Here Are Bumpy
I am a different person than I was five and a half months ago.  This morning, I saw that clearly.  I had a good long look in the mirror and realized I was looking at a face I wouldn’t...
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Emotional Whiplash
Sunday, April 7th, 2024 10:32PM Dulikhil, Nepal Emotional whiplash is probably the most fitting phrase to describe the end of Peace Corps pre-service training.  Somedays, it felt...
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Panauti: A City of Antiquity
Friday, February 23rd, 2024 Panauti, Nepal When you first arrive in a new place, especially somewhere across the world, the place wears you down.  It challenges your expectations...
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Kathmandu: the city of color
Wednesday, January 24th 2024 7:30 AM Kathmandu, Nepal I will never forget the flight to Kathmandu.  About 7 hours into a sleepless flight, I saw the expressions of everyone around...
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The Last Day in the US of A
Friday, January 19th 2024 11:36 AM, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA Today is a day that’s been awaiting me for nearly 8 years.  That’s a third of my lifetime.   It feels...
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my blog: the reason for being

One of the great tragedies of life is that there isn’t enough time to explore all that is worthy of exploration. However, a life lived with awareness, purpose, and kind observation is the furthest thing from tragic.

I have done a lot and seen a lot. I plan to do and see more. Like everyone else, I am still working on the awareness, purpose, and kind observation bit of life. But alas, some journeys can never be completed. Here lives an account of my experiences, and a record of my own development as a person and as a writer. If you want to come along for the ride, you can subscribe below for any new postings.

where in the world am I?

I am currently in Bhakunde Beshi, Nepal serving in the Peace Corps.  My commitment is for two years and three months, so I will be done in April 2026, more than likely a much different person than the man writing this today. 

 My American phone number doesn’t work here, so if you want to reach me, use WhatsApp, Instagram DMs, or interact with me in the comment section of this blog!  

Make sure to subscribe to my blog so you don’t miss any new posts.  You’ll have to confirm your subscription via your email inbox.